Often, when I blog, there will be one thought, one phrase or one idea that will need further exploration and become the inspiration for another post such as “Setting your self apart from the pack” – a phrase I recently used that really got me thinking.
Is it important to set your self apart from the pack and be unique? I would have to say yes, not only while blogging, but living your life in general.
What is Originality?
Originality is the genius that wells up deep within the recesses of your being. It’s not forced or contrived. You don’t have to ‘think’ about being original or ‘do’ anything special except honor and trust yourself. May sound simple, but for a lot of folks, originality is a tall order.
The mind is a chatter box and it’s easy to get lost in the mundane of daily existence and in what everyone else is doing. Originality requires enough quiet space to listen and heed the call from within. Then and only then can you truley be yourself.
Blogging – A Modem of Expression that Feels Good
Thousands upon thousands of blog posts are published daily about this, that and the other thing. Why? – Because blogging feels good. It’s a modem of expression that allows people to share their thoughts, inspirations, pain, aspirations, viewpoints, fears and everything else that falls under the mantle of the human condition – and be heard.
Not all Blogging is Created Equal
That being said, there is a lot of fodder that’s been regurgitated all over the www. Content that’s been scrubbed, scraped and borrowed is boring. Great blogging is unique and engaging, and site visitors can tell (feel) the difference. Great blogging comes from trusting your own knowledge-base, wisdom, creativity and ideas. Great blogging comes from knowing who you are and trusting that who you are and what you have to say is good enough. Being true to yourself is originality and that is what sets you apart from the pack.
Blogging is not a fad like the pet rock or slinky. It’s the wave of the present, the future and a societal trend that’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Be original.
Related Articles:
- Are You a Super Fly Blogger?
- The Sacred blogging zone
- Living Online – Throw me a Life Preserver
- SEO business blogging – A Societal trend that’s here to stay
Get Found Now
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Again another wonderful post by you Victoria!