Real Estate Blogging Tips: The Hows and Whys: As a professional real estate writer for a number of years now (13 to be exact), I think I’ve written about every conceivable real estate topic known to man.  And to be quite honest, there are so many real estate related articles floating around the web, that pretty much whatever RE topic one chooses to blog about has probably already been blogged about at least a hundred times before, if not more. That being said, I’m still a die-hard believer in the power of blogging as a way to drum up business.

It pretty much goes without saying that the more you blog, the more opportunities you will create for people to find you in the index and head on over to your site. Honestly speaking, if you are not blogging for business at this point, you are missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools you have available in your real estate marketing arsenal. Not to mention, if your competitors are actively blogging and you are not, they are reaping the rewards of better placement in the index and creating more opportunities for leads and sales that you could be getting if you were doing the same. The bottom line is that in order to remain a player in the highly competitive field of real estate, you have to blog a regular basis. More importantly, you have to blog SMART.

experienced real estate blogging and community profile writing services – call today! (813) 312-5606

So, now that we’ve discussed why real estate blogging is no longer an option, but absolutely necessary, what does it actually mean to blog SMART? First of all, blogging requires either taking your own valuable time to get it done or hiring someone else to blog for you. Either way, it’s an investment of your resources, and if you want to see a return on said investment, the quickest way possible is by following a content plan or content marketing strategy. What you don’t want to do is randomly blog about this or that real estate topic because you will probably not see much in the way of results for your efforts.

In my opinion, the most important topics to blog about first are the areas you want to sell homes in – namely, your geo-targeted area(s) of focus. I recommend that you start out by blogging about the county or the city(s), town(s), and CDPs within a particular county (if applicable). Next, get more granular by honing in on the communities and neighborhoods in those areas. The idea is to start out wide and then narrow your focus down. That way, you can link back to the larger, more encompassing areas as you go.

Here is an example: Mount Helix is a community located in the city of La Mesa, California. You would first write about La Mesa, then write about Mount Helix and link back to the La Mesa article profile. If Mount Helix also has specific subdivisions you want to target, you would then write about each subdivision, then link each one back to the Mount Helix and the La Mesa profiles.

Think of community profile articles as the foundation pages of your blog/website, otherwise known as cornerstone content, of which all other content can potentially link back to. This internal linking of profile articles to other articles and to pages creates a dynamic information structure that will quickly build powerful topic/area authority mojo. And the more you blog and link back to relevant articles on your blog, the more authority you will garner, the better your search engine placement will become, and the more opportunities you will create for generating leads and sales.

Here are a couple examples of the real estate blog sites that I regularly blog for that are exclusively used for community profiling:

Whether you are just starting out real estate blogging or have been blogging for awhile, I highly recommend creating and implementing a geo-targeted content game plan as I have described. Once you’ve finished blogging about all the communities within your target market, you can then start blogging about interesting localism topics such as special events like art openings, local bookstore happenings, and new schools; best restaurants, beaches, and best shopping destinations; city citations like walkability scores and safest city rankings, and so forth, which can then be linked back to the appropriate area profile articles, and so forth.

Don’t waste your valuable time writing about real estate topics that have been blogged about so many times, they no longer have a pulse. Instead, stay relevant and current in your topic choices. Keep it real by blogging about what matters most or by choosing topics that potential clients will actually find interesting and respond to – such as filling out your contact form, sending you an email or picking up the phone!

experienced real estate blogging and community profile writing services – call today! (813) 312-5606

If you are interested in optimized real estate content for your site, real estate blogging services, improving your search engine placement and giving your traffic conversion a boost, give us a call, send us an email or fill out the online contact form today!  Let us help you achieve your online real estate marketing goals with professional SEO real estate content services.  We have a proven SEO content strategy that WORKS! 

Community Profile Examples:

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Let’s Go!

Victoria Sutherland-Stankard
Get Found Now! SEO Content Services
Phone: 813.312.5606

Victoria Stankard - SEO Copywriting, WordPress SEO Training and Business Blog Coaching